Title: Talent Development: Reality vs. Imagination (Part 3 of 3)
Author: Nicole Murray
Welcome back to part three of the story of Frank Jones, the fictitious founder of Ajazz Manufacturing, Inc. We just learned that Frank has returned from his doctor’s visit with the recommendation to take a hiatus from his work due to his declining health and consider retiring soon. Ajazz is a flourishing bicycle component manufacturer with more than 30 years in the market. Frank believes he has two possible internal candidates but they both present specific deficiencies in skill set, competencies, or knowledge.
Until now, talent development at Ajazz has been conducted on an individual basis which Frank has directed. Effective succession transition requires a description of critical roles to needed to actualize strategic initiatives and provide development and career paths for succession candidates. In addition, developing and promoting leadership teams is critical to take Ajazz to the next level in sales and innovation. Phase two of the S3 program helped Frank assess and understand his bench strength, now he needs a talent development plan of action that will sustain Ajazz’s strategic goals. Frank is now focused on developing succession candidates, mitigating talent dominoes, and building a talent development program for future leaders.
Phase three of the S3 program emphasizes developing talent potential as well as fostering a balanced bench strength throughout the organization. Thus, building a sustainable framework for the continuous development of future leaders.
How does S3 make a difference?
- Identifies talent gaps
- Aligns talent with a strategic plan
- Creates a strong bench with the right people in the right positions
- Effectively leverages and transitions leadership talent
- Develops a blueprint for talent succession at every level
- Creates a framework for developing future leadership
Wondering about your company’s talent and succession readiness? Access our talent questionnaire, answer 7 important questions, and receive immediate feedback on your talent preparedness.
Visit https://mysolutionsatwork.com/solutions/s3-strategic-talent-solutions/ to find out more about this dynamic program.
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